Finally completed mug shots today as we have 5 now.
All i need to do now is resize black border and print off.
Friday, 21 December 2012
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Movement on our opening title sequence
So far what we've completed:
- Presentation.
- Cast.
- Mug shots.
- Zippo lighter (prop).
- Storyboard.
- Rough edit of a script and needs a run though and editing.
- Jobs list of what the members of our production are doing.
- Research about Noir.
- Production meeting.
- Production logo and rough sketches.
- Locations of filming. Tombland and James' house.
- Noir character research and set cast characters.
- Production name (State of Empire) and film name (Hide).
What needs completing:
- The rest of the props like rotary dial phone, pistol and blood.
- Filming at Tombland.
- Filming at James' house.
- Script and recorded script.
- Editing.
- Animatic.
- Behind the scenes recording when filming.
- Research of films that do roughly the same shots as we are taking.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Sunday, 25 November 2012
How does MisFits follow Noir?
Misfits episode 4, series 4 is called "Zombie Noir" and it has many reasons to be called this.
The anti-hero called Curtis gets involved with a girl called "Lola" who is reported to be a trainee probation worker and being violently beaten by another man who he murders, because she persuaded him to with out asking directly. Later Curtis uses his powers to bring him back to life (turning the murdered man into a zombie) and asks him about Lola and how he knows her. Unfortunately the man quickly turns to a zombie after being confronted and bites Curtis which you find out abit later on but the man is killed for a second time. Later he searches this girls flat and finds a CD of her acting as a girl called Lola in front of an audience when the storm hits. He finds out she gets trapped as this character when she got caught in the storm. He confronts her and gets away from her before he attempts to bite her as he's a zombie. She then self harms then later blames Curtis for it in front of another man. Curtis is hunted down by this man where he aims for Curtis but he questions Lola in his mind for a split second when he gets shot by Lola who's pops from behind him and she shoots Curtis as well. He falls to the ground and when she inspects him he bites her and shoots her in the head then takes himself off a high base where he falls by taking a bullet to the brain from himself.
What values it follows from Noir?
Misfits episode 4, series 4 is called "Zombie Noir" and it has many reasons to be called this.

What values it follows from Noir?
- Anti-Hero - Curtis with his unfortunate encounter with the zombie virus.
- Femme Fatal - Lola who caused men to kill other men for her.
- Smoke - Lola has a cigarette in her hand when she hears Curtis arrive.
- Classy clothes - Lola not once looks at all underdresses except a scene in the bedroom.
- Features in a City - It may not be a very busy place it still is definitely in a city.
- Death by pistol - Gun shots happen a few times but only by pistols.

Saturday, 24 November 2012
Neo Noir genre the SinCity way
SinCity (2005)

This film contains three different stories that all interlink one way or another.
Here's wiki page about the film.
The Hard Goodbye. (Part I)
Marv who looks like a giant ugly monster sleeps with a woman called Goldie who is found dead by Marv soon as he wakes up and he created his own quest to take revenge on who ever murdered Goldie.
The Big Fat Kill. (Part II)
Introduced to Shellie and her abusive ex-boyfriend Jackie and his little gang who forces his way into her flat but meet her new boyfriend who physically convinces him to leave her flat, but his mob are also chased down by her new boyfriend named Dwight and finds himself in a very awkward, violent and awkward situation.
That Yellow Bastard. (Part III)
Hartigan is an old man who is currently suffering from a heart condition and is also a police officer who intercepts a child killer called Roark who is trying to rape a 11 year old girl called Nancy. Unfortunately John Hartigan gets framed for raping Nancy and is sent to prison but told he would receive a letter from her everyday but once the letters stop Hartigan goes out searching.
Values of Noir it follows.
-Black and white.
Apart from blood ,some red clothing and a couple of eyes everything seems to be in black and white from start to finish.
-Dark lighting.
Through out the film it seems to be night time with dark lighting.
Cigarettes or cigars seemed to be smoked by nearly every character. I believe a couple of times there are other things creating the smoke but it just adds to the suspense and suspicion of whats on the other side of that mist.
Alot of them are shown, from the pistol to the sub-machine guns.
-Based in a city rather then fields.
It's based in a city called Sin City.
A hero with a fault be it anything but he's not perfect.
-Femme Fatal.
A woman who has caught an interest in the antihero and vise versa but she has destruction and problems all around her.
-Girl next door.
Woman who is innocent and completely opposite to the femme fatal yet still has caught an interest in the AntiHero.
Someone with evil intentions.
-Spontaneous love.
Two characters maybe upset with each other and all of a sudden pull themselves together and start kissing or snogging.
This film contains three different stories that all interlink one way or another.
Here's wiki page about the film.
The Hard Goodbye. (Part I)
Marv who looks like a giant ugly monster sleeps with a woman called Goldie who is found dead by Marv soon as he wakes up and he created his own quest to take revenge on who ever murdered Goldie.
The Big Fat Kill. (Part II)
Introduced to Shellie and her abusive ex-boyfriend Jackie and his little gang who forces his way into her flat but meet her new boyfriend who physically convinces him to leave her flat, but his mob are also chased down by her new boyfriend named Dwight and finds himself in a very awkward, violent and awkward situation.
Hartigan is an old man who is currently suffering from a heart condition and is also a police officer who intercepts a child killer called Roark who is trying to rape a 11 year old girl called Nancy. Unfortunately John Hartigan gets framed for raping Nancy and is sent to prison but told he would receive a letter from her everyday but once the letters stop Hartigan goes out searching.
Values of Noir it follows.
-Black and white.
Apart from blood ,some red clothing and a couple of eyes everything seems to be in black and white from start to finish.
-Dark lighting.
Through out the film it seems to be night time with dark lighting.

Cigarettes or cigars seemed to be smoked by nearly every character. I believe a couple of times there are other things creating the smoke but it just adds to the suspense and suspicion of whats on the other side of that mist.
Alot of them are shown, from the pistol to the sub-machine guns.
-Based in a city rather then fields.
It's based in a city called Sin City.
A hero with a fault be it anything but he's not perfect.
-Femme Fatal.
A woman who has caught an interest in the antihero and vise versa but she has destruction and problems all around her.
-Girl next door.
Woman who is innocent and completely opposite to the femme fatal yet still has caught an interest in the AntiHero.
Someone with evil intentions.
-Spontaneous love.
Two characters maybe upset with each other and all of a sudden pull themselves together and start kissing or snogging.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Creative Application of Theory
-Preffered vs Oppositional
-Hedonist vs Traditionalist
-Passive vs Active
-Buckinghams Theories
-Hedonist vs Traditionalist
-Passive vs Active
-Buckinghams Theories
Hansel and Gretel for horror/zombie lovers.
- Hansel (Shia LaBeouf) and Gretel (Emma Watson) wonder onto a trail of blood after being abondened by society for a murder they never commited, find themselves in a small unpopulated village. They discover that the blood leads to an old hotel elevator shaft and while they're looking down the elevator shaft they happen to get pushed down towards a bottomless pit. That's when all of a sudden they are met with an army of undead in an old Elizabethan torture chamber.
Hansel and Gretel action version.
- Hansel (Bruce Willis) and Gretel (Megan Fox). As the whole of planet earth undertakes a brutal beating from asteroids, Hansel and Gretel find a alien hidden inside one of the devastating rocks which sends both of Hanesl and Gretel into an invisible spaceship only a couple of miles above earth. Later they discover that the aliens were only trying to seek refuge from another evil race of creatures but the aliens accidently cause the orbit of rocks to collide with earth and are forced away by Hansel and Gretel.
Hansel and Gretel for romantics.
- Hansel (Jonah Hill) and Gretel (Mila Kunis) are just friends from the same college and are neighbours but best friends also. But when Gretels boyfriend gets caught in a tragic car accident and loses his life Hansel plans to make sure Gretels is mentally stable. After going through ups and downs they realize they are in love with each other.
- Hansel (Shia LaBeouf) and Gretel (Emma Watson) wonder onto a trail of blood after being abondened by society for a murder they never commited, find themselves in a small unpopulated village. They discover that the blood leads to an old hotel elevator shaft and while they're looking down the elevator shaft they happen to get pushed down towards a bottomless pit. That's when all of a sudden they are met with an army of undead in an old Elizabethan torture chamber.
Hansel and Gretel action version.

- Hansel (Jonah Hill) and Gretel (Mila Kunis) are just friends from the same college and are neighbours but best friends also. But when Gretels boyfriend gets caught in a tragic car accident and loses his life Hansel plans to make sure Gretels is mentally stable. After going through ups and downs they realize they are in love with each other.
Monday, 12 November 2012
Preliminary Task
We were set to "Film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom s/he exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate: match on action, shot/reverse and the 180 degree rule."
Summed up:
- Film and edit.
- Open door and talk to another person.
- Exchange a couple of lines.
- Use Match on Action, Shot/Reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.
We must also plan:
- Storyboard.
- Script.
This picture explains the 180 degree rule. Where the characters have to stay on the same side relative to each other to help the audience understand movement off screen.
Here is a great example of shot reverse shot (youtube) and 180 degree rule.

Technique to show character talking to each other.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Opening Title Sequence of Film Noir.
Double Indemnity.
- Based around (1950-1940).
- All male cast.
- Classy clothing and clean characters, main character wearing a suit.
- Black people cleaning instead of white, showing that in them times people still believed white men and women were superior to black men and women.
- General office workers looked down upon by wounded character to show he's in charge.
- Wounded man showing signs of him being the strong silent type.
- The man is driving a car which means high status. Especially since in them days cars were very expensive.
- Alot of slang used to show gang potential.
- Based in a big city, a good example would be New York City.
- It's a rollover from silent movies.
- The sound track is classical, so it's has a timeless sound track. An instrument for classical is piano.
- Obsequious elevator attendant. Obsequious?
- The male is a Juxtapostion of characteristics because he is scruffy and uses slang yet he has high status and is wealthy.
Form of an opening title sequence.
- Studio
- Producer
- Title
- Director
- Cast
- Production Team
James Bond Opening Title Sequence.
James Bond has many usual parts for the opening title sequence. Here's just i few i could find.
- Usually starts off pulling the audience in with an enigma which could be with fighting, stunt or death scene.
- There tends to be live action mixed with CGI/animation.
- Bond shoots you through an aperture by the looks of it and blood rolls down.
- Guns shown - Works as an icon for action.
- Author Ian Fleming, cast and studio in titles.
- Sexy woman dancing and men in suits, the suits tend to be tuxedos which are typically worn to proms.
- Song written specifically written for the movie- performed by a iconic singer and is usually a woman singer.
- May sound strange but its rather a long opening title sequence compared to other but that because its a spy thriller movie.
- Villains are usually non-British in a foreign country.
Monday, 1 October 2012
An audience is a group of people experience an event.
Active - Preferred - Targeted audience/ those the product is aimed at. (From an industry point of view)
Passive -Oppositional - Not the expected audience
Distribution - Method of showing films - Streamed/Cinema/DVD/TV broadcast.
Exhibition - Method of watching from industry recieved audience:
Pete Buckinggam suggests that 49% of our population are upmarket (ABC1's) but they make up to 66% of the general cinema audience, but that means the the other 33% are low earners so it suggests that the lowmarket view movies by illeagle streaming/downloading or from their television.
Streaming/Rental - Modern technology = cheap/easy/immediate access.
Active - Preferred - Targeted audience/ those the product is aimed at. (From an industry point of view)
Passive -Oppositional - Not the expected audience
Distribution - Method of showing films - Streamed/Cinema/DVD/TV broadcast.
Exhibition - Method of watching from industry recieved audience:
- Buy DVD
- Rent DVD
- Blu Ray
- Illeagle Streaming/Downloading
- Legal Streaming/Downloading
- TV FreeView
- TV Cable
- TV Satellite
- Pay-to-View
- Cinema
- Viewing movies from Cable TV with my girlfriend, friends or alone. Roughly for about 6-8 hours a week.
- Paid for DVD's is not my prefered method of viewing movies but i see about 3 moviesa month.
- I enjoy going to the cinema but i usually do it with my girlfriend or my father and see about 1 movie a month.
Pete Buckinggam suggests that 49% of our population are upmarket (ABC1's) but they make up to 66% of the general cinema audience, but that means the the other 33% are low earners so it suggests that the lowmarket view movies by illeagle streaming/downloading or from their television.
Streaming/Rental - Modern technology = cheap/easy/immediate access.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Understanding Genre
My definition of Genre is style. For example style of movies: thriller, action, comedy and romance.
style of music: rock, classical and indie.
Google's definition of "Genre".

style of music: rock, classical and indie.
Google's definition of "Genre".
- A category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.
This is a genre which have main elements of suspense or excitement. This makes the view have ideas of uncertainty. But main genres have sub-genres and thriller has many, here's a few examples:

- Physiological thriller.
- Period thriller.
- Mystery thriller.
- Crime thriller.
- Paranoid thriller.
- Shadows.
- Confined spaces.
- Dim street lamps.
- A death (Suicide, pre-determined, accidental).
- Some being watched/followed.
- Lighting would be mainly dark but bright on points of interest.
- Colours mainly black and grey's.
- Clothing would depend on time and location. Usually dark alleys and strange and large buildings.
- Facial expressions typically scared with the victim and the villain would show a black expression.
- Camera angles and technique. Camera angles could be in a view of a security camera, and tracking could be used with shaking behind victim is running away from villain.
- Revenge.
- Isolation from the outside world.
- Slight chance of sexual perversion.
- Sexism (Girl have to be fragile and men have to be heroic).
Friday, 21 September 2012
The Dark Knight OTS Story Board
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The primary purpose of a storyboard is to know what you are planning before you take your shots.
It's easy to fault at continuity without a story board e.g first shot someones shirt is buttoned up, next shot back they're shirt is unbuttoned.
The storyboard is also a great function so you and everyone else around you knows what you are talking about with a small box of hand sketched image and small notes at the bottom incase of confusion.
Sunday, 9 September 2012
My 10 ten films overview.
1 - Zombie Land
2 - The Green Mile
3 - The Dark Knight
4 - Super Bad
5 - 21 Jump Street
6 - The Dark Knight Rises
7 - Pick Of Destiny
8 - American Pie
9 - Inbetweeners Movie
10 - Fight Club
What i've learnt about my film selections.
2 - The Green Mile
3 - The Dark Knight
4 - Super Bad
5 - 21 Jump Street
6 - The Dark Knight Rises
7 - Pick Of Destiny
8 - American Pie
9 - Inbetweeners Movie
10 - Fight Club
What i've learnt about my film selections.
- 7/10 films I've picked include some sort of comedic value to them. Which shows i enjoy a laugh in my film and nothing too serious.
- My top film ''zombie land''contains one of my favourite aspects of media..zombies. Plus the fact i have 5/10 films that contain extreme violence or some sort of violence i can recall. So violence is also something i enjoy in a film
- Batman is featured twice and i think i'm just a follower of the super hero ninja called Batman.
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Number 1. Zombie Land
Zombie Land - 1.
As Earth has all the tragedies and scares like nuclear war, flooding and a new ice age; it gets attacked by zombies in a hilarious comedy.

I can't tell you how much I love this movie. I love zombies and comedy and it's a great mix together. But only lasts 88 minutes. Trailer here (requires Youtube access).
Number 2. The Green Mile
The Green mile - 2.
Based on a book this is the first truly moving and slightly unsettling movie I've blogged about in my top ten movies of all time.
As Paul (played by Tom Hanks) is an officer at a cell block named "Green mile". He encounters many different types of people while working but he finally meets one he'll never forget.
John Coffey is portrayed as a huge masculine black African American at the start but you slowly learn the story of his upsetting life.
Watch trailer here (requires Youtube access).
Number 3. The Dark Knight
The Dark knight - 3.

Staring Christian Bale the actor for Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Heath Ledger the actor for the nicknamed "Joker".
This film has everything in it including suspense, action and slight comedy. As the Joker plans on making a bank robbery with a bunch of clowns as they all betray each other so they get a high ratio of the money, which is owned by the Mafia. But this only leads on to the mob bosses having to inform the rest of the mob that the rest of their funding has been hidden in a secret location so no further robbery's can occur. But this while being informed of this by a Chinese accountant the Joker storms through and offers to kill Batman for half of their money which he is in possession of anyway.
The rest of the movie is challenging to understand to say the least, but worth a watch even though it's a long movie (152 Minutes).
See trailer here (Requires access to Youtube).
Number 4. Super Bad
Super Bad - 4.
Once again Jonah Hill (playing Seth) and the new one Micheal Cera (playing Evan) star in an amazingly funny film. Based on the lives of the writers themselves.
As Seth and Evan both apply to Dartmouth university only Evan is accepted. But between them there were no worries about them missing each other around. But when Seth gets paired up with Jules (played by Emma Stone) she invites him to a party happening later that night where both Seth and Evan will be attending with a extra called Fogell (played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse). Fogell obtains a fake ID with a famous name McLovin which means they can now abuse this fake ID to get their hands on alcohol later on for the party to raise their "respect".
On this list this is the fist time i can say i own this on DVD myself. But truly is a great film filled with great laughs.
Watch the trailer now (requires Youtube access).
Friday, 7 September 2012
Number 5. 21 Jump Street

21 Jump Street - 5.
Based on a 1987 television series, 21 Jump Street is an action, comedy thriller film in my eyes.
Morton Schmidt who is described as a "not so slim shady" (Which is a great description of the actor Jonah Hill with blonde short hair) is bullied through out high school by his now, new best friend Greg Jenko (Played by Channing Tatum) in a police training center.
Then paired up after failing to read out a criminals Miranda Rights, now in a high school drug bust operation.
Anyone who enjoys movies or comedy's should watch this no matter what.
Number 6. The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises - 6.
As Batman (in my eyes the greatest ever superhero created) has to once again save Gotham city from the evil Bane with half his face covered by some medical advancement. You get to once again see Batman rise, fall, and rise once again just like in every other Batman movie but feel the suspense and thrill. If you haven't watched the past films in the trilogy you may struggle to understand but still worth watching.
Number 7. Pick Of Destiny
Pick Of Destiny - 7.
As young JB (Jack Black) become a rocker and is abandoned by his religious family from Missouri, Kickapoo. He seeks fame and fortune and a companion who teaches him to rock even harder then before. Then searches for the most mystical and majestic pick in the history and man and devil.

In my eyes it's a very good seven
Number 8. American Pie
American Pie - 8.
I find sexual immaturity amazingly hilarious and so i can understand why American Pie is such a great movie in my eyes.
As an Eastern European girl is stripping on webcam for a not so popular guy in school he is peer pressured in showing her to the world doing her strip by the famous character in my eyes "Stifler". This film is a must watch as you see a pact made between a group of friends all attempt to lose the virginity before they graduate.
Hilarious in my eyes but can understand why some people may not agree.
Number 9. Inbetweeners Movie
Inbetweeners Movie - 9.
The amazing series of the Inbetweeners had finally got a movie.
As a fan of the British series "The Inbetweeners" i was excited to see this film because, the last series has been finished with out any hope for a next.
The Inbetweeners was a comical British series about four teenage boys in sixth-form trying to get high in the popularity ranks, but only with failure around the corner.
As a fan of the British series "The Inbetweeners" i was excited to see this film because, the last series has been finished with out any hope for a next.
The Inbetweeners was a comical British series about four teenage boys in sixth-form trying to get high in the popularity ranks, but only with failure around the corner.
We got to see Jay, Simon, Neil and Will go on holiday to a less than respectable hotel in Marlia.
With Neil's simplicity, Jays immaturity, Will's maturity and Simon's love losses they have a great trip to Marlia, where obviously Simon's not so ex-girlfriend is also staying.
We have the same four hilarious guys who were doing A-levels back together again, all with their own problems...except Neil.
Pretty funny but for me it's hard to recall any moments where i look back and still laugh.
So i think number nine is pretty respectable.
Number 10. Fight Club
Fight Club - 10. (1999)
Even though fight club is a great movie and should be watched by everybody, i'd only put it at number 10. Even though it has a great plot and a weird messed up story line, i found it hard to put it any higher. The film was directed by David Finch but was originally a novel by Chuck Palahniuk in 1996. Fight Club failed to meet expectations of the studio at the box office but was cited as one of the most controversial films of 1999, later Fight Club found success in the DVD release and was stated as a cult film.
As Brad Pitt meets Edward Norton. They form 'Fight Club'. A club where guys intend on beating the living day lights out of each other while placing bets on who's going to win.
I'm sure everybody's familiar with the quote "The first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club" and for that alone it goes in my top ten at number 10.
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